Histoires» Tout afficher «Précédent «1 ... 9 10 11 12 13 14 Suivant» » Diaporama Research of Lt. Kyle Coleman on Edward Alexander Stevens Edward A. Stevens wasn't only a deputy for several different Sheriffs, He was one of only 4 men in history, that was Sheriff of Bexar County 2 different times. Edward A. Stevens 8-1-1864 8-11-1865 Stevens served about a year, then was replaced after the end of the Civil War by an appointee (Fisk) of provisional Gov. H.J. Hamilton. (During Reconstruction, Radical Republicans in Congress pressed for "fairly sweeping disenfranchisement of former Confederates," says the Encyclopedia of Southern Culture, edited by Charles Reagan Wilson and William Ferris. Southerners were asked to sign loyalty oaths to the United States to hold even the most minor local government posts.) Edward A. Stevens 11- 4-1884 11-7-1885 Stevens was a veteran of the U.S.-Mexican War, served in 1855 as a member of a company of Texas Rangers and in 1866 as chief of San Antonio Police. An article in the San Antonio Express on Dec. 18, 1965 stated that during the Wild West period of Stevens' second term, says this historical article, the county seat "was the Barbary Coast of the Southwest. In the 1880s, San Antonio was a wide-open cowtown, sustained by the sporting crowd, tolerated by the public and damned by the clergy."A sidebar to this story lists Stevens first among lawmen who tried to hold the line against "every saddle bum, thief, thug and murderer who had the money or the ammunition to stay." . A story about his death in the November 7, 1885 "San Antonio Light" newspaper stated that Edward A. Stevens was a native of Virginia, who came to Texas in the early days. He served with gallantry under Jack Hays Rangers. One of the most notable events in the course of an adventurous career was his killing of the desperado, Gillespie, near lulling, almost four years ago. All the other officers but Captain Ed. Stevens demurred at making this arrest, and ere he succeeded in effecting his purpose, he was wounded in the arm. The wound was of so serious a character that amputation was rendered necessary. For more than 25 years Captain Stevens has been connected with the Sheriffs Office, either as Deputy or Sheriff. He has a record of being a fearless man, and always to be found on the side of law and order. In the bosom of his family he was one of the kindest of husbands and fathers. To the outside world he was of a reserved and cold disposition, never very loquacious, but at the same time he was courteous to all. For some time past he has been suffering from the effects of his maimed limb, the wound having lately reopened, and his sufferings were intense. Recently he was attacked with gastrin fever from that disease at the time of his death. The age of Captain Stevens was 52 and he leaves a wife, three daughters and four sons to morn his loss. San Antonio Evening Light Newspaper. Captain Edward Stevens was one of the brave and tireless peace officers of Bexar County who lost an arm in a fight with horse thieves while he was sheriff, and ultimately died from the effects of his wounds received on that occasion. His son Edward, known as "Little Ed" Stevens was for some years a deputy Sheriff, and was the constable for the first precinct when I was its justice. Another son, Charles F. Stevens, was later constable and is now a deputy U.S. Marshall. Like their father, both brothers arrested many noted criminals. Ed Stevens Jr., was with the posse that killed McDaniel the stage robber and he captured one of the Pitts gang that escaped at the time that Pitts killed U.S. Marshall Gosling, and when Pitts, while trying to get away, was killed by the train conductor. Combat and Conquests of Immortal Heroes by Charles Merritt Barnes.
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